Thursday 8 May 2014

“There's only one me, and I'm stuck with him.”
- Kurt Vonnegut Jr.

Right now I've got a bit of a knot in my stomach. I can't quite put my finger on one cause, there are the usual suspects, but it's more likely just an aggregation.
I've been on holiday this week (as it was Billies 18th birthday and I wanted to make sure I was around to fit into any gaps in her busy schedule). However as usual after the first few days I was simply bored. I only really have my own company to keep theses days, imagine how quick that particular novelty wears off.

At the moment , I'm toying with the idea of anti-depressants again. With the new job, and all that entails, plus my usual dourness, i think a little chemical help would be welcome, let's see eh?

As for Billie, she seems to have had a great week, out for five consecutive nights, with various factions, ending tonight with a meal out in Durham with me.
It was a nice Spanish restaurant, but so quiet that we were home less than two hours after leaving. But at least it wasn't uncomfortable, we always have something to talk about. How I'll cope when she leaves for University , I can't imagine.
But one step at a time eh?

She's a child to be proud of to be sure, but I worry that she'll find the world of self dependence a very severe culture shock. She's big enough and wily enough to cope of course, I'm really just being a silly old man.

[...and I've had quite a few unexpected expenses lately. When combined with a five week month, plus my lowest pay in 7 years (despite a "promotion" - minus weekends!) I'm broker than a poor man with two broken arms, and whose legs are feeling a bit iffy. ] - but very few of us are lucky enough to be without money worries - self pity over (for now!)...

Be seeing you!

“Be careful what you pretend to be because you are what you pretend to be.”