Tuesday 26 November 2013

“There is no problem so big it cannot be run away from.”
- Charles M Schulz

For a while I forgot about this blog. There was a time when I'd "write" something almost daily. sadly that was a very long time ago, and I was very happy back then. Make of that what you will.

It's almost a month since we got back from holiday, and this time it took about a week before any noticeable 'holiday blues' hit me. That feelings almost completely gone, although of course I can't imagine anyone would stop missing huge portions and seemingly endless shopping.

I felt so well when I got back that I forgot for a few days to take my antidepressant, and somehow that few days became three weeks. not the recommended method, but I still feel relatively upbeat (at least by my own standards).

I had an interview two weeks ago today, for a Nurse Practitioner Job. I can't believe I didn't mention that sooner, for despite nature and common sense (plus the lack of chemical help) I got the job. I'm terrified, and a little bit excited. Thankfully I don't start until January.

Eventually there will be a bit more money, but the job in responsibility is enormous. Let's see how this pans out eh?

Little else to say, oh my leaking roof is finally fixed! It cost me £1000, but when the leak spread to my living room ceiling, I knew I couldn't procrastinate any longer, and believe me I'm a world class expert...

“I think I've discovered the secret of life - you just hang around until you get used to it.”

Sunday 3 November 2013

“Why are there no during pictures.”
- Mitch Hedberg

 It's me, remember me?

Nevertheless, here I am , returned from holiday, and about to return to work.
Needless to say (so why say it?) We had a lovely time on holiday. The whole Orlando thing is getting a bit tiring for someone of my age and shape. I suspect it'll be a very long time, if ever before I return. I really wanted to try something different, but Billie wanted one last visit before she starts university next year. It was just so darned expensive, but of course completely worth it. We missed out on some classic rides/destinations, but there simply isn't enough time, and it's so incredibly tiring, lots of walking, and temperatures of 30 degrees, even as late as Halloween.

There was a little diva behaviour from Billie, but far far less than last time. The biggest problems were probably the occasional wrong exit by me when driving, whose ipod to play in the car, and where to eat.

Billie is quite the shopper, lots of clothes were purchased (by her, not me).

We saw "Gravity" on a proper (not those tiny multiplex versions) five storey IMAX screen, and in wonderful 3d (it's usually too dark for me). A fabulous film and technically amazing. The auditorium must have held about 1000 people, and there were about 20 people in the audience.

I haven't hit the emotional lows that I've felt on returning from previous holidays, but this time I'm chemically assisted of course.

My roof is still leaking (that's not a metaphor by the way) so I really must get that sorted out.

Back at work tomorrow, what disasters await me there?

“I think Bigfoot is blurry, that's the problem. There's a large out-of-focus monster roaming the countryside.”