Tuesday 6 April 2010

“The one who loves you will make you weep.”
- Argentinian proverb

"And when I'm lying in my bed,
I think about life,
And I think about death,
And neither one particularly appeals to me"

Welcome to April. The gaps between postings are getting longer aren't they? Mostly because even I'm bored of my whining (and that last comment upset me, it seems even total strangers see through me!).

Well nights are finished, and in a strange kind of way I actually enjoyed them. I already feel a little detached from society and night shift fits in perfectly with this mind set. Going home when everyone else is coming out, sleeping (or trying to) whilst the world struggles with day to day rubbish. Plus many of the stresses of day shift are missing at 4am. I still hate it though.

Billie and I went to see 'Kick Ass' this evening. The first time I've been to the Cinema this year, and the first evening visit in, well pretty much since Billie came along (that's 13, almost 14 years by the way). I cannot recommend this movie highly enough. There really was nothing that could have been improved (thank goodness it was made in Toronto and not Vancouver, otherwise I would be discoursing on a whole different tack). A great soundtrack too, that included at least two of my personal favourites, The Banana Splits, and Joan Jett.
Plus, at last, another good Nicolas Cage Movie (loved the John Woo and Con Air references, in fact I loved almost everything). Next biggie 'Iron Man II'.

The two highlights of our trip to the cinema - first when we both burst into tears at THE sad bit (I love a good movie inspired tear shed), and secondly whilst Billie slipped out to the toilet, she apparently complained to the management about some rowdy types a couple of rows back (that almost ruined the film for everybody). When she told me, I suddenly stopped worrying so much about her future (at least for now!)

I had some wine last night (fancy?) and discovered this morning I'd ordered a few CDs from Amazon (marketplace mind you!). Counting box-sets as individual discs (and I am) there's 27 discs on the way! (although to be honest only the last 5 or so were ordered under the influence!)

My Favourite Bobby Darin song, So sad and depressing a lyric, I love it!

“I always knew looking back on my tears would bring me laughter, but I never knew looking back on my laughter would make me cry.” - Cat Stevens

Ps. I must add that this weeks lost was fabulous, Desmond seems to get all the best episodes! At last things are starting to make sense (it seems pretty obvious what the 'sideways' world is now, at least).

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