Friday 3 December 2010

“I like these cold, gray winter days. Days like these let you savor a bad mood.”
- Bill Watterson

“The English winter - ending in July, / To recommence in August.”
- Lord Byron

Well the last week has been dominated by snow, on both a personal and national level. It's snowed every day since my last post, and although never quite a blizzard, the cumulative amount lying about is very impressive/depressing.
The media is full of the usual doom and gloom about how poorly prepared as a nation we are (and we are). On a smaller scale I've spent a lot of time digging out my little car, and on more than  occasion, digging it back in again (to my little yard, if you see). 
Billie helped with the shoveling last night which she unexpectedly enjoyed very much, go figure (the ice in the back lane, was a sheet about three inches thick) .

I had my first shift in charge for many a month, after my 'phased' return (which in itself sounds far more exciting than it actually was). To be honest it went quickly and without hardly a worry. 

I'll have to decide in the next day or two if I'm going to send that Birthday card I mentioned a few weeks ago. I've lain in bed on several occasions recently, mentally composing messages to go therein, but they all sounded inappropriate, hollow, or frankly just pathetic. 
International post waits for no man...

"What state do you live in?"
"Denial." - Calvin and Hobbes


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