Saturday 27 November 2010

“It is completely unimportant. That is why it is so interesting!”
- Agatha Christie

 Wednesday was a 'lost' day (but not in mystical castaway sense, although they did both had a disappointing ending). I got up late, but more through boredom and lack of central heating, than tiredness. Since I almost literally had nothing to do, I just stayed in my dressing gown and moped (that's the verb, not the underpowered mode of transport). I really cannot say how the day was spent (not through a desire for secrecy though). Somehow, I managed to miss the fact that the earliest snow for years had been falling,  and falling, and falling.

Looking out into my little yard, my littler car is hidden by a cosy looking blanket of perfect white snow. There is something magical in the way new snow can transform the mundane and familiar (maybe I should get ME some?)
Sadly it all too soon turns to slush and soaks your socks (there's a metaphor for life in there somewhere). 

In another startlingly cliched revelation, I simply cannot believe how quickly such a dull and miserable year has gone by. My roller coaster has simply cranked to the top, and I'm hurtling to the all too soon conclusion. Sadly, you can't simply queue up and go around again. 
One passenger, one ride.

 (a couple of days later)

I somehow forgot to publish that/this post, so here's a tiny bit more. It's after midnight, but outside it looks almost like twilight. The sky is so light from the snow clouds and the ground so white, the light out there really is quite eerie!
I got a text around midday (in itself a rare event). It was from Billie, asking me to acquire a sledge for her (I wasn't expecting to see her today). I acquired a sledge, and delivered it (and her) to her home after school. What a scamp!

Nothing continues to happen, my beloved projector is still away for repair, and I'm trying to avoid wine for a while (well at least 5 days! - 5 whole days), so not even my usual diversions to , er, 'divert' me.
I'm almost looking forward to going back to work next week (almost), I'm just so very very bored.
Tomorrow, more of the same, I imagine.

(oh, I almost forgot, keeping a great tradition alive, I had a terrible haircut yesterday- see numerous previous posts - it really wasn't what I asked for!)

"I've put something aside for a rainy day, it's an umbrella." - Tim Vine

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