Sunday 20 February 2011

"Serenity now, insanity later"

Remember me?

Now assuming you are not a figment of my imagination, and you may well be, you must be wondering why the long long gap between posts? Or maybe you aren't. 
Truthfully , it was simply a combination or my ongoing 'bad mood' and boredom, boredom with having nothing to do, and less to say about it. Really, how many posts can I produce bemoaning my perceived woes? (one more it seems!).

Tonight just seems, well lonelier than usual and a glass of wine and a blog post used to cheer me up a bit, no wine tonight, but a post nevertheless. 
It's almost Sunday, and may well already be if I type slowly. I've a long stretch at work in front and behind me, and well,this is when I feel loneliest.

The past six weeks, have been completely unremarkable (apparently I can remark on this though). The highlight, rather sadly, has been my purchase of a new mattress (my first in about 15 years!). This is very fortuitous as I've spent a lot of the time sleeping. Part of this has been a crippling tiredness and lethargy, part just to avoid the monotony of being conscious.

Sadly, I've seen hardly anything of Billie, this is due to her being 14. Apart from visiting my Mam, social contact has been well, nil. As you might imagine the isolation has left me feeling very very sorry for myself, and just a little bit crazy.

I had some terrible terrible nightmares last night. I'd tell you all about them (no I wouldn't) , but other people describing their dreams is one of the most painfully boring things to read. However I can't shake of the pervading mood of the dreams,  it's coloured the whole day, and made me even more spiky than usual.

I'll post a bit sooner than six weeks I hope, until then, if there's anyone out there - be seeing you... 

"if you condensed my whole life into just one day, it looks decent." - George Costanza


fiftywatts said...

How man,
I'm in the North East on Thursday 10th March, doing a gig with Vic Godard & Subway Sect. I know it's a week night, but it would be good to see you.


Billy Hopkinson said...
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Billy Hopkinson said...

Thanks for the invite, and even though I'm on holiday, I'll have to decline. It's not laziness, more cowardice and lethargy (er, I suppose that is a kind of laziness). I just can't face up to new places, new faces, and going alone too!
Be seeing you...