Wednesday 6 April 2011

“The more you explain it, the more I don't understand it”

Not a blues song, but I woke up this morning feeling awful. When I say woke up, I actually mean emerged, as it was a very poor nights sleep/duvet wrestling match (plus I was worried by the strange, about to collapse, noises my house was making, was it windy last night?). 
I've come to the fairly obvious conclusion that I stopped my medication just a wee bit too soon (you think?). The dizziness and nausea this morning were just too much, and more worryingly I've been a bit 'down' too (oh really?). Billie pointed out to me that I was grumpy , and I'd like to add irritable, unfocused and increasingly negative  (being on nightshift only made my isolation and strange sleep patterns worse), just what you want before a long awaited holiday. So today its back on the tablets I go , for how long? I don't know, let's see what my GP says. 

Speaking of health type stuff, I had my eyes tested on Monday and was very disappointed to find I now need varifocals. Apart from the horrendous cost, there's the possibility the glasses won't be ready before we go next week. Plus this means I am now officially old! (I've been unofficially old for about 10 years).

Well I'm off to work now, feeling slightly less than healthy...

“The only way to keep your health is to eat what you don't want, drink what you don't like, and do what you'd rather not.” - Mark Twain


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