Monday 4 April 2011

“The world is a stage, but the play is badly cast.”

Our holiday is so close now that I've allowed myself to start looking forward to it, at least a bit. I've been convinced that something dreadful would happen since I booked. As nothing (apart from a newly scheduled 5 hour layover in Charlotte) has yet occurred, I've relaxed a bit.
Of course I'm incredibly badly organised (I think) and being on nights has limited my options for last minute shopping and such, but the destination easily reached is rarely appreciated (I made that up myself).

I had a drastic pre-holiday haircut, which for once I didn't immediately regret. I don't like it much, to be sure, but that's better than my usual total revulsion (and bonus - if I can find a hat big enough for my enormous noggin, my hairs short enough not to look completely ridiculous - I recently saw 'The Adjustment Bureau" I want a hat just like that!).

...Days later - night shift - finished , thank whatever you believe in!

Boy, am I tired. I'm too old for this kind of thing. 

I may have stopped that medication a little too quickly, feeling very very dizzy at times, and I've no idea how I feel emotionally...

I recently discovered 'Chuck'. I'd previously got it mentally mixed with 'Psych' , which is made in White Rock, so I couldn't bring myself to watch it (I know, I'm silly). But it isn't and now I'm already onto season 4, hope it makes it to a fifth... Jonathan Richman, but for some reason his CDs are damn expensive!

 “A dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight, and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world.” - Oscar Wilde

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