Tuesday, 18 October 2011

“The world is a fine place and worth the fighting for and I hate very much to leave it.”

- Ernest Hemingway

The long gap between posts, was for once, not due to lack of content. No the reference to 'important stuff' in my last but one post was namely, the worsening health of Billies Grandma. For the moment, my petty concerns are just that - petty (and even more irrelevant than usual).

About 10 days ago, or so, Billie went with her Mam to visit her in ICCU in Bristol.
She came back home last week ,  her Grandma sadly, died later that same day.
I'm no believer in an afterlife, but I hope she found some ease, some rest.

When she was my my Mother-in-Law, she, like most people, neither liked nor understood me. Things had improved a bit towards the end of my married life, but she was still not a fan I suspect.

Billie is handling her death very well, she really is growing up. She's staying strong for her Mam I suspect, who was very close to her own Mother. They were very alike, in many ways.
Selfishly, Billies support means I'm seeing even less of her than usual, but this is one reason even I can't balk at.
I hope everyone involved can find some peace.

Next time - more of the usual rubbish...

“We are all apprentices in a craft where no one ever becomes a master” - Ernest Hemingway

Monday, 10 October 2011

There was a boy,
A very strange enchanted boy...

"The greatest thing
You'll ever learn
Is just to love
And be loved
In return"

I just had to post this video,
but while I'm here, I simply must take a moment to praise the finale of "Breaking Bad", such a strange combination of stillness, tension and excitement, 10 out of 10...

Sunday, 9 October 2011

"Harry, I have no idea where this will lead us, but I have a definite feeling it will be a place both wonderful and strange..."

"Your name is sung and tattooed now on my heart
Here I will carry, carry, carry you,


Well well, here I am again.
As is often the case, I'm slightly drunk, which is only just taking the edge of my ever so bad mood. An 'incident' at work has left me feeling even more isolated. Whilst not totally free from blame, no one was keen to stand up for me, so be it. So that's the start to my 'holiday' , worrying about the crap awaiting me when I 'return'.

By the way, now I hate nights EVEN MORE! Who'd have thought!

Important stuff is happening elsewhere, and it would be crass and demeaning to mention it here in Billy Hopkinsons emotional dump ( but you know what I'm talking about, don't you?) (btw - I mean me, future readers, I'm the 'you', if you see what I mean?).

Two weeks off, I know I'll waste it, and so do you. So many things I could and should be doing...

"Sleep deprivation is a one-way ticket to temporary psychosis." - Dale Cooper