Thursday 27 June 2013

“From now on, ending a sentence with a preposition is something up with which I will not put”
- Winston Churchill

Hello whoever you are, or aren't , if you even exist. It's been bloody ages. There were several posts that will remain drafts only, never to be "published", mostly because they were self indulgent self pitying crap.

Here we go.

First the good, Billie and I are getting along famously, this is not a new development, just something I'm really pleased about. she's the focus I need in life and my proudest achievement (although to be honest there are few rivals).
She made me a lovely cake for fathers day (see below)

Work is descending into something akin to a hell. Sometimes my job is the best in the world, these times are scarce however. More often than not work is a morass of red tape, shoutyness and general misery. Things should slowly improve, but the NHS seems to buck this natural evolution and gradually get worse. There's more to do and less to do it with. I limped home from work today, physically and emotionally wrecked, only pharmaceuticals propping me up.

I'm so bored, but thankfully not despondent.

The merger is inevitable, we will effectively cease to exist. The few survivors engulfed and absorbed.
13 years and then oblivion, what a sad end for what was probably the best ward in the hospital.

Frivolousness - I watched and loved all two seasons of "Person Of Interest", I can't decide whether to watch the new season of "True Blood" (bloody faeries) and the "Mad Men" finale was flawed but majestic; poor poor Don Draper....

“Laughter is not at all a bad beginning for a friendship, and it is far the best ending for one.” - Oscar Wilde





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