Thursday, 29 August 2013

“Adults are just obsolete children and the hell with them.”
- Dr Seuss

Still no news regarding an interview...
Then in a most roundabout way I find out that if they do indeed happen, it'll be much later than planned. Way to go, chain of command.

Did I mention I have another two, TWO, inquests coming up in the next few weeks! 

Can you imagine how stressed little ol' me is? Well can you punk?

(ps. in a return to classic theme of old, I went for a haircut yesterday, and it's truly dreadful. I've spent most of the past 24 hours willing it to grow out slightly faster...)

“What fun is it being cool if you can't wear a sombrero” - Calvin & Hobbes

Tuesday, 27 August 2013

“What makes old age hard to bear is not the failing of one's faculties, mental and physical, but the burden of one's memories”
- William Somerset Maugham

Hello there.

My interest in "blogging" is waning, but you probably guessed that. Posts are less frequent, and blander and blander than ever.

Next week hopefully I'll have a job interview. More on that at a later date, In all its potentially ungory detail.

A couple of weeks ago Billie suddenly, out of the blue wanted to go to York, to do some holiday shopping. So £30 of petrol later, We bought nothing.
However I did twist my ankle rather badly. I simply went over it, and fell into the road, near Marks and Spencers, if that's of any interest.
Heaven knows how I managed to drive home. It was swollen and bruised for days, and still still hurts. my main annoyance is rather than my already shot right ankle it was my relatively pristine left, I'm so old...

Billie has been in Tenerife for well over a week, with only one brief message in that time, I'm reflecting on just how alone I am in the world. When she goes to University next year, I shall be so bored (even more than today? is that even possible?), and lonely, well let's worry about that then shall we?
I'm on holiday for a week, and 3 days into it I am so bored, I cannot describe the tedium.  (well I could but that would be even more tedious).
I've therefore had even more sparetime than usual.

All alone, all weekend, I watched virtually all of Season 6 on "True Blood" in one go, and you know what? it was actually pretty good, preposterous of course, but fun.
"Breaking Bad" continues to excel, but "Dexter" has jumped the proverbial shark, goodbye old friend.
I watched "The life and death of Colonel Blimp" and blu-ray last night, whay a wonderful, sentimental, but surprisingly modern film. That means of course I must watch "A matter of life and death" very soon.

I've been so tired and sleepy recently, then a few days ago I started taking my antidepressants at night and wham bam, I'm sleeping all night, and awake during the day.

Only seven weeks until we go to Florida, and thankfully, after five long weeks, it's finally payday this week, here's hoping...

“Everything's got a moral, if only you can find it.” - Lewis Carroll

Saturday, 10 August 2013

It can't be bargained with. 
It can't be reasoned with. 
It doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear. 
And it absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are dead...

Friday, 9 August 2013

“Life stinks, but that doesn't mean you don't enjoy it”
- Dustin Hoffman

As you probably guessed my lack of posting was simply due to my lack of having anything to write. I have and continue to be quite unwell, at least mentally, but what else is new?

Billie and I are off to Florida in October. I've paid for the holiday itself, but heaven knows how I'm going to afford the tickets, spending money et al...

I've applied for a new job, of sorts. Junior charge Nurse on the new assessment unit to be, I can do it for sure, but will I even get an interview? stay tuned.

Since last we met, I've watched the whole first season of "Orphan Black" and loved it. I've given up on True Blood Season 6 after two episodes, I'll catch up one day I imagine.

I wish I had more to say, but alas a duller life you'll never come across. Much wine has been drunk , and pizza consumed, but not a lot of life has been lived...

“If you look for the bad in people expecting to find it, you surely will.” - Abraham Lincoln