Friday 9 August 2013

“Life stinks, but that doesn't mean you don't enjoy it”
- Dustin Hoffman

As you probably guessed my lack of posting was simply due to my lack of having anything to write. I have and continue to be quite unwell, at least mentally, but what else is new?

Billie and I are off to Florida in October. I've paid for the holiday itself, but heaven knows how I'm going to afford the tickets, spending money et al...

I've applied for a new job, of sorts. Junior charge Nurse on the new assessment unit to be, I can do it for sure, but will I even get an interview? stay tuned.

Since last we met, I've watched the whole first season of "Orphan Black" and loved it. I've given up on True Blood Season 6 after two episodes, I'll catch up one day I imagine.

I wish I had more to say, but alas a duller life you'll never come across. Much wine has been drunk , and pizza consumed, but not a lot of life has been lived...

“If you look for the bad in people expecting to find it, you surely will.” - Abraham Lincoln 

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