Tuesday 1 October 2013

Well I didn't get the job, someone a lot younger did. I don't resent them , I'm just disappointed in myself really. apparently everybody did quite badly, just some less so than others. So be it.

Mini disaster #1 I had to come home sick from work on Saturday. Stomach/chest pains of all things.
Mini disaster #2 , later that night discovered my boiler is leaking, thankfully I've been paying for boiler cover for bloody years, and thankfully never needed it, until now.

These two things, combined with an abortive attempt to wean myself of antidepressants, led to a most miserable and unenjoyable weekend (duh). Yesterday things seemed almost as dark as they were at my very very worst.
I was quite glad to get back to work today , fixed with antacids and fluoxetine! It was pleasing to see that the few colleagues I have left were worried and concerned at my brief absence (although my cynical side suspects they thought I'd gone nuts again!)

In very trivial matters, the series finale of Dexter was terrible, in fact ludicrous. However the finale of Breaking Bad was the polar opposite, superlative, wonderful television, good riddance lumberjack Dexter, goodbye Mr. White...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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