Sunday 29 May 2011

“All right, then, I'll go to hell.”
- Mark Twain

I had something to say, but when I checked the facts, it turned out I was completely wrong. But since I'd started typing (obviously not this sentence) I carried on anyway. I wish I had something to say, some wry comment to make, because in all honesty, I enjoy 'blogging' (yuk) but, as I'm sure you are aware, I just don't have that much going on, in any sense.

I was stuck behind a decorators van today (I was in my car, it wasn't some kind of reversing accident). It proclaimed "interior and exterior specialists". Am I the only one who thinks this is a ludicrous proclamation? Is there some barely measurable plane of existence between the two that he won't touch with a bargepole (or indeed a paintbrush?).

My root canal was, well, painless, in both senses of the word (physically and financially). An hours drilling and my only worry was trying to avoid looking at my horrendous reflection, which I could see from one hard to avoid angle (reflected in the light fitting) , and then a bill of only £47, whic for three appointments, umpteen x-rays and other esoteric Dentisty stuff can't be bad can it?

I'm still set on that Autumn holiday, let's see how this plays out eh?

I finally got Middleman on DVD. After Firefly this was the show that needed a second season most. Plus check out all of those lovely Vancouver back alleys !

“He felt that his whole life was some kind of dream and he sometimes wondered whose it was and whether they were enjoying it.” - Douglas Adams

Friday 27 May 2011

“If you had teeth of steel, you could eat iron coconuts”
- Singhalese Proverb

Me again. Nothing to report, just wanted to reaffirm (us) that I'm still here.

Feeling a little sorry for myself tonight, sure it will pass, eventually. 

The days come and go, and essentially nothing changes. surprisingly this isn't bothering me much at the moment, but given time I'm sure it will.

Poor Billie had one of her teeth accidentally knocked out at a party last weekend. I felt so helpless listening to her tale the next day. Sadly the Dentist can't / won't repair it for a whole year! Wish I could help in some way.

And speaking of Dentists, and I was, , later today I return for part two of my root canal, a whole hour of drilling - what joy!

My friendly credit card is, I've decided, going to send me on another trip later this year. Of course there's only one place, or rather continent, I want to go to. All of my Holidays have taken me to North America, let's see what October brings, eh? (please let this idle threat/promise amount to something, please. - remember kids, this is simply rhetoric, and not some prayer to the Universe, I don't believe in that kind of thing.)

Checking my phone bill earlier, I realise that I haven't used my broadband phone for months and months. I could save money, but some nostalgic part of the old duffer remembers all those wonderful (and then not so wonderful) calls to Canada it facilitated. Scrapping it would be sensible, but when did that bother me?

Maybe my favourite Steely Dan song...

“The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane.” - Marcus Aurelius

Monday 16 May 2011

“Curious people are interesting people, I wonder why that is?”
- Bill Maher

And suddenly he was better (well almost).

Saturday night 9pm, tired but okay. Saturday night 10pm, almost comatose, praying for a quick death. 
It was as quick as that.  (not my death, silly, the onset).
I suspect it was some very mild form of septicaemia relating to the ongoing jaw/ tooth problems (having a root canal on Friday, sounds pricey!), let's just say a lot of pus vanished, and I'm pretty sure I didn't swallow it. 
So all day yesterday and most of today, I was burning up, dripping in cold sweat, my limbs like lead, and even my aches had pains. I couldn't even sit up, so I spent most of past two days listening to in bed, and dreaming strange dreams (maybe more on that later, maybe not). 
This evening, almost as quickly as it started, it's almost gone. I just feel like I've a bit of a cold but without the runny nose or sneezing. The worst part is I had to ring in sick yesterday! damn it!

I never did get back with my opinions on "Thor" did I? Well first let me say I wish I hadn't chose the 3d version, but the film itself was fun. Not bombastic, as it so easily could have been, but not lightweight and throwaway either. I'm still not sure why the Asgardians would all have English, rather than Scandinavian accents, but at least they weren't speaking in the mock Shakespearean I remember from the comics (as a kid, it was only ever 2000ad after that). Much, much better than Iron Man 2, need I say more?

Don't think it's the weather that cheered me up recently. I've always been sure that I have SAD to some degree, but last year, while I was off sick, and at my worst, it was for the summer months. Go figure. Anyway that brief period of euphoria (which I suddenly realise I didn't mention before now) is receding somewhat, almost as if I can see the storm clouds at the horizon. Let's see where that goes eh?

I try not to let loneliness get me down, but being helpless. if only for 48 hours or so, really drove it home. Still you can't have everything, where would you put it ? (thanks Stephen Wright). 

(great album!)

“It's spring fever.... You don't quite know what it is you DO want, but it just fairly makes your heart ache, you want it so!” - Mark Twain



Sunday 8 May 2011

“I'm not sure this conversation can go any further.”
- Richard Dawkins

Well I've been back at work a week already. The first day wasn't so bad, but then the second, pow! it hit me, the dreaded post holiday blues. I suddenly started to get nostalgic for things that only happened a week or so ago, well that's just predictable ol' me. I suddenly realised that my next holiday (especially with Billie) was either a very long way off or never.
I felt wretched, I still do.

It really bothers me that I don't have a single photo of us together from the trip. something I could stick in a frame and get all teary eyed about, well there you go life is full of regrets, chuck another one on the pile...

I had quite a bit more to say, but I've put myself in rather a bad mood...

“I am so busy doing nothing... that the idea of doing anything - which as you know, always leads to something - cuts into the nothing and then forces me to have to drop everything.” - Jerry Seinfeld



Tuesday 3 May 2011

“Never write about a place until you're away from it, because that gives you perspective”
- Ernest Hemingway

The post holiday blues didn't hit me at all, not really (back in 2007 it took me about two months to feel anything like normal again)
What did get to me was the sheer dullness of everything (here). You get used to the new routine of holiday after just a couple of days, the novelty, the excitement, it soon becomes your norm, it seems like it will never end. 
Then, whoomph! and it's back to the creeping grey mundanity of what I laughingly call my life. I'd almost forgotten exactly  how mundane things could get for me, and it's now so lonely to boot. It was nice being with Billie for two weeks and having a kind of companionship, but you know what I really miss? Talking with a grown up. A cynical, sarcastic, funny, witty , and clever grown up. (here he goes again.. yes, more wine has been consumed.)

I went a bit crazy on Amazon Marketplace last night. I didn't really buy (for myself) much on holiday, so in overcompensation I bought a few CDs (a few, more like 12?) .

I checked my holiday photos, and yes, not one of me (I know Billie didn't take any either), so no proof I was ever there.

I'm off to see 'Thor' tomorrow lunchtime, in 3d too!  

Work is still a day or two off, but I'm not dreading it,  much...

“If two people love each other, there can be no happy end to it” - Ernest Hemingway