Friday 27 May 2011

“If you had teeth of steel, you could eat iron coconuts”
- Singhalese Proverb

Me again. Nothing to report, just wanted to reaffirm (us) that I'm still here.

Feeling a little sorry for myself tonight, sure it will pass, eventually. 

The days come and go, and essentially nothing changes. surprisingly this isn't bothering me much at the moment, but given time I'm sure it will.

Poor Billie had one of her teeth accidentally knocked out at a party last weekend. I felt so helpless listening to her tale the next day. Sadly the Dentist can't / won't repair it for a whole year! Wish I could help in some way.

And speaking of Dentists, and I was, , later today I return for part two of my root canal, a whole hour of drilling - what joy!

My friendly credit card is, I've decided, going to send me on another trip later this year. Of course there's only one place, or rather continent, I want to go to. All of my Holidays have taken me to North America, let's see what October brings, eh? (please let this idle threat/promise amount to something, please. - remember kids, this is simply rhetoric, and not some prayer to the Universe, I don't believe in that kind of thing.)

Checking my phone bill earlier, I realise that I haven't used my broadband phone for months and months. I could save money, but some nostalgic part of the old duffer remembers all those wonderful (and then not so wonderful) calls to Canada it facilitated. Scrapping it would be sensible, but when did that bother me?

Maybe my favourite Steely Dan song...

“The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane.” - Marcus Aurelius

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