Monday 7 November 2011

“When you're finished changing, you're finished.”

- Benjamin Franklin

I'm so very very worried about what's happening at work.
Oh I never went into details did I? Remember 'the incident', when I was on nights? Well it is far from resolved. There is an 'investigation'. For the past few weeks, I've been waiting for a meeting, which is this very Tuesday, at last! My useless, and apparently representativeless (that word didn't previously exist I'm thinking)  union, assures me is only 'fact finding'. Well as long as those facts aren't my sacking, I should be okay. I've never been so worried about future events, not that I can recall. Eek! (sorry that all may sound flippant, but I'm sincerely terrified).

In probably more important news, Billie has had something of a falling out with her Mother. By something , I mean bloody bloody major!
It seems Billie is not at all okay with the current domestic arrangements at 'home'. Her Mother, for whatever reason, consequently told her to come and live with me! Thanks!
The most terrifying aspect of this sea change would not be the required chucking of my slovenly routine, but having to discuss money with my ex-wife, gulp. And am I a good enough parent?
In actuality , it'll meant that Billie will probably be staying with me a couple of nights a week from now on, I can get used to that.
Although, thinking about it,  I may have to actually start shopping, and develop a few good habits - the horror! the horror!

“We are all born ignorant, but one must work hard to remain stupid.”

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