Wednesday 11 January 2012

“It is better to be looked over than overlooked.”

- Mae West

I've been to the dentist today.
Exciting stuff eh?
A man of my advanced years with toothache! I ask you. Anyway I need another root canal! two in a year! Not decay mind you, an old filling failing. Filling failing!
Actually, I went to the dentist yesterday too, same one, but accompanying Billie. She hasn't a single filling, but last year a wayward door broke off the bottom of on of her incisors. The temporary (until she's 18! and coincidentally liable to pay!!) tooth keeps falling off, and she's pretty much there every few weeks getting it glued back on!

I've been troubled with almost daily deja vu lately. I don't hold that they are anything other than organic wiring problems, and that's what worries me, more evidence of decrepitude! Whatever the cause they still give me the willies, and willies are something I do not want any of.

I'm still enjoying my new car, but I just cannot seem to get the hang of getting into and out of my little yard in any manner approaching speedy. I thought practise would help, and it has a teensy bit. But at least I haven't dented it (yet) 
I even got it washed today! My old car was washed once in 7 years, predictably, just before Barbara's visit of so long ago.
The merest hint of snow however, and it's staying yardbound (the car that is). There's only a couple of inches between either side of the car and brick, and I'm not risking any lateral slippage!
My little old panda merrily slipped here there and everywhere, but was so small it didn't really matter. Thank goodness for this mildest of winters (cue frost, cue hail, cue blizzards!).

I signed onto (as opposed to earlier today to report a missing parcel and discovered my long long forgotten wish list.
Items dating back as far as 1999!! (when we still had a moon!) .
Interestingly (at least to me) almost all of them I subsequently bought on US holidays back when I did such things.
The past eh? seems that's where I spend most of my time these days...

“I used to be Snow White, but I drifted.” - Mae West



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