Saturday 17 November 2012

“Too young to hold on and too old to just break free and run.”

- Jeff Buckley

 I was almost in tears after saying goodnight to Billie earlier. She's all alone at 'home', I'm all alone in mine, shall ever the twain meet?
Parents and teenagers have so little in common with each other, and so it should be by the way, that often only the fact they share an abode drives the relationship. So if you don't even have that, then where are you?
It seems such a waste.

However, we did go to see "Skyfall" together earlier this week. We both enjoyed it , but as she'd never seen a James Bond film before (can you imagine being so very young?)  that she actually asked me to explain some of the in jokes and set up afterwards. It was nice to be considered a proper Dad expert!
The film was great fun.  A little long perhaps, and the music was, well not very memorable. Preposterous from start to finish, but that's exactly what you want from a Bond film (QOS, I'm looking at you).

It occurs to me that going to the cinema with someone is not the most social thing to do together. After all it's essentially two or more hours in darkness and self imposed silence.
But as I inferred above the anticipation and post film analysis is good fun, as is bitching over the insane cost of cinema "food", and insane it is!

It's absolutely freezing in here tonight. Such is the highness of ceiling and the inefficiency of boiler, that it takes about an hour to feel any effect from the central heating. As I have no fire, it's lucky that my computer is right next to my beloved radiator, source of all my winter warmness, apart from the two quilts on my bed. The modern bachelor can only afford to heat one room it seems.

“When I was young, I thought that money was the most important thing in life; now that I am old, I know it is” - Oscar Wilde


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