Tuesday 13 November 2012

“Whatever you are, be a good one.”

I've had a few horrible despondent days since last we met. A myriad of little to middling problems, congregating to drag me way way down.
As I write now it's a dark Tuesday afternoon, and while I don't feel great, I don't feel terrible either.

What's happening at work? Well the latest plan is to condense the current ward into an area with roughly half the beds we have now. The most obvious problem here is that all the staff cannot transfer to the "new" ward, so the powers that be must make a judgement of Solomon.
So for the last 10 days or so everyone has been wondering "will it be me?" an already strange atmosphere has become strangely stranger.
And me? I've had a twisty knot, akin to a giant pretzel, churning amid my superabundant torso.

I'm so very bored of my xerox life.
Even though I work odd shifts, I can usually tell what I'll be doing on any given day, at any given time, usually with stunning accuracy.
Most of it involves sitting right here. I never go anywhere or do anything. I honestly think that should the opportunity arise, a grown up conversation would stump me.
Just lonely I suppose.

“Lonely men seek companionship. Lonely women sit at home and wait. They never meet.” - Abraham Lincoln


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