Tuesday 26 February 2013

“Be yourself is about the worst advice you can give to some people.”
- J.B. Priestly

I can't talk about you know what.

Sciatica news - right foot and leg painful and toes numb, GP says "nothing to be done (until it gets worse)", disconcerting, but there are more serious problems in the world.

Work has been busy and stressful, but manageable, I feel so sorry for my colleagues who were left behind in the ward move.

Nothing continues to happen, days trip by predictably and unevenly, work goes slowly, days off quickly. Two five week months in a row mean I'm essentially broke, but payday looms on Thursday. My washing machine broke down and flooded my kitchen about a month ago, so for the first time since I was 18, I've had to take my washing to my Mam. hopefully I can get a new machine next week, once the coffers are filled, ever so slightly.

I haven't seen much of Billie since we last 'met'. She spent much of last week in Leeds, so she wasn't exactly local. She seems to be warming to the whole marriage thing though, ever so slightly.

I'm bored and ever so lonely, but at least I still have my sparkling personality...

“If there is one thing left that I would like to do, it's to write something really beautiful. And I could do it, you know. I could still do it.”

Tuesday 19 February 2013

“The day after tomorrow is the third day of the rest of your life.”
- George Carlin

Biggest concern at the moment? I've got to attend an inquest next week, all week. That's really about all I can say on that subject. But you know how I worry.

My new antidepressants seem to be working well. There's a couple of regrettable side effects, and I'm constantly tired, but it's infinitely preferable to the way I was feeling a few weeks ago.

I still haven't heard anything about the CBT though. It's getting on for a month now. However I'm still awaiting the counselling referral my previous GP made for me in May 2010, so there's that.

Billie and I have been getting on extremely well since my last post. Of course this could simply be a rebound response to her Mams wedding news, (a fan of which she is not) but I'll take it while it lasts!

Sciatica news - usually, it eases after a week or so and then is gone. This time, it's hung around for weeks and finally localised to one particular spot. New developments include my right leg and foot are painful and tingly.
Time to finally mention it to my GP (in about 12 hours or so actually). At least I can finally get dressed and bend down with ease. Lying in bed however is a constant fidget to get comfortable, unfortunately rarely with any success .

“When cheese gets it's picture taken, what does it say?”

Saturday 16 February 2013

“If at first you don't succeed, try, try again. Then quit. There's no point in being a damn fool about it.”
- W. C. Fields

You think things can't get any worse, then they do - again and again and again.

Something is rotten in the state of Denmark, more on that in a couple of weeks (honestly, I can't talk about it, at least yet).

Today Billie was very upset, her Mother is getting re-married, a mere 27 years after the last time.

I've had the WORST days off ever, again details much later.

Plus my sciatica, which usually annoys me a couple of weeks of the years, simply won't go away. It all dates back to an accident at work in the late 90's (happy times). These days I'd be able to sue the arse of my employers, back then, not so much.

How much further can I fall?

“Never try to impress a woman, because if you do she'll expect you to keep up the standard for the rest of your life.”


Thursday 14 February 2013

“I like pigs. Dogs look up to us. Cats look down on us. Pigs treat us as equals.”
- Winston Churchill

Something has occurred that is very very serious, but I cannot talk about (yet). Needless to say I feel pretty much worse than I've ever felt before, but I CANNOT talk about it.
I hate my life. I need a hug! offers?

If there was ever a time I needed a friend, it's today...

Is there anybody out there trying to get through?

Saturday 9 February 2013

“A Daughter is a Little Girl who grows up to be a Friend”

I'm still struggling with sciatica. Work has been difficult, but not impossible, standing up is a slow process, and as for socks...

Actually being at work has been surprisingly pleasant, this new ward, albeit temporary, is heaven compared to what the ward that was had become. It's also so small it's like working in a pavilion at Epcot, a tiny representation of something much much bigger.

Mentally, I feel flat, flat..
Things that would have ramped up my anxiety a few weeks ago, merely annoy me now. I don't feel happy, but despondent I'm not, for now at least.

However I had a really lovely evening at the Metrocentre with Billie, and that has lifted my spirits, albeit temporarily.
She bought a really expensive pair of shoes, and I a £1.50 CD from what's left of HMV. I've just finished a bottle of wine too, so I'm uncharacteristically upbeat, plus it's about 2am to boot.

I finally got around to watching my blu ray of "Pillow Talk" I love that film! I've watched a lot of films recently.
I really enjoyed "Argo", finally watched "The Bicycle Thieves" (wonderful), "Miracle in Milan" (not quite so good), and "The Master", which disappointed me, a lot.
Wow, it's come to this - one word tipsy film reviews at two in the morning.

Tomorrow, back to "normal" I imagine...

“Children begin by loving their parents; as they grow older they judge them; sometimes, they forgive them” - Oscar Wilde