Sunday 6 April 2014

“Money cannot buy health, but I'd settle for a diamond-studded wheelchair.”
- Dorothy Parker

I'm back,
possibly for one night only.

Whatever need this blog served me seems less important to my older jaded self. Back when apparently one or two people read it, I thought I could use it as a means of getting my views out to real people and even dared to dream of interaction, crazy eh? Now I realise that there's no one there save spammers, and even if there was, they don't care.

The new job continues, I don't want to go into detail , as work policy forbids it, but after the first year or so of financial woes (no weekends means much less pay for me, about £200 per month) it should be great. The work itself is interesting, but as it's a new role finding our way is akin to crossing a swamp, best done daintily and very very carefully.

Billy bought a brand new car (a Vauxhall Adam in fact), and is driving around like an old hand. She's so confident, a fact that makes me simultaneously proud and frightened.

And me? Things continue as ever. I've vowed to lose some weight, and I think I might actually manage it this time. I don't want to be thin, just able to buy a nice shirt or jacket and have it fit.

I don't feel as miserable as once was, but sometimes the future frightens me, it's a lot shorter than it once was, and it looks very lonely. But I'm only one of millions to feel like that I imagine.

I bought a new PC (it metaphorically flies), the first since the wonderful summer of 2007, a couple of weeks after I first "met" Barbara. That date is quite a touchstone for me, but you probably knew that anyway, didn't you?

What popular culture has interested me?
"Hannibal" Season 2 is excellent, "True Detective" was sublime, and "The Winter Soldier" was rollicking good fun.

I've been doing a lot of studying (for work of course), and it's great to be learning new stuff. It seems you can teach an old dog new tricks, or at least new versions of them.

Be seeing you...

“You can't teach an old dogma new tricks.” - Dorothy Parker 


1 comment:

fiftywatts said...

Keep it rolling. I don't know if I'm one of many or your sole reader, but I've been enlightened by some of the film and music posts - and moved by some of your more unhappy personal moments. It sometimes just feels a bit intrusive or unhelpful to comment. If you do drop the blog, maybe get in touch another way. It would be good to catch up, share a bottle of wine and the later chapters of our life stories since those ill-starred Middlesex days.
Best regards from the Nat Jackley Con-Apts, Kev