Sunday 11 October 2009

“Some of the worst mistakes of my life have been haircuts.”
- Jim Morrison

"When day is done and shadows fall,
I dream of you."

I'm just off to bed. I just wanted to say something, nothing in particular, just something. Speaking off bed, I've had a few troubled nights sleep. Not insomnia this time, I've been going to bed tired alright, but bad dreams! At least I think that's the trouble,I know I've been getting up feeling unrested and troubled. Remember how I sleep with the radio on due to my tinnitus? well the programmes seem to have been influencing the contents of my dreams too!

It's gotten really cold at last, hasn't it? I had to bite the proverbial bullet and put the central heating on, another yearly rite de passage!

Mini rant - I watched the "GI Joe" movie tonight and it was, to be brief, dreadful.
To be less brief, one review said it should be renamed "CGI Joe", and that about sums it up. Characters that struggled to creep up to one dimension and so very very cliched (comedy black hero side kick anyone? emotionally repressed hot geek, crusty general with a heart of gold, no nonsense military man who comes to grudgingly respect the new upstart) Villianess redeemed by love (and apparently mind controlled until the denouement!). So-so special effects (I've seen better PlayStation games), hardly any dialogue (and what there was written by dyslexic robots, reading from a book of movie cliches), totally lacking in charm motivations signposted with the biggest signs ever erected, predictable plot, banal 'action' sequences. a little irony and knowing humour, more 'real' effects, and it would have been passable.
I could go on, but the film doesn't deserve any more discussion. What was Christopher Ecclestone thinking? (a clue it's green, it folds and it rhymes with 'funny'). It makes the Transformers sequel look like Citizen Kane. Enough, no more...

“Whoever controls the media, controls the mind” - Jim Morrison

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