And the lamplight shining on me projects my lonely gloom
My counterpart in agony mocks each tear that falls
And I cast a lonesome shadow on these lonely, lonely walls"
(now that's a cheery lyric, isn't it?)
(midnight on Wednesday - actually more like 2am)
More bloggy goodness? Once or twice over the past few days I honestly toyed with deleting the whole darn thing.
Funny how a different perspective, a little word or nuance you hadn't previously considered can put a different spin on everything.
I was upset after my last post, upset in a feeling sorry poor poor Billy kind of way (which was neither deserved or appropriate).
Unfortunately when this combined with an awful few days at work, a couple of unfortunate incidents, plus my generally dour outlook, I brewed up a scowling, all encompassing bad mood. Thankfully it's fading somewhat. The upshot is I haven't been fun to be around, but since I lead and almost completely solitary existence, the universe has found it easy to live with.
(2pm on Thursday)
I was pretty tired last night, so left this post unfinished. In the cold (very cold) light of day things look a little cheerier, but only discernible with some sort of high tech measuring device, the name of which escapes me now, oh hang on - a micrometer! (obviously I could have deleted that ramble, but I have to fill these posts somehow!) .
I'm resigned to my lonely fate now, and I don't even believe in fate! (That makes little or no sense)
Since I went out in February (for 2 hours) that means it's almost time for my other night out, ie Christmas.
There was almost zero interest from myself and my colleagues, Ward morale is very low, but I was practically press ganged into attending. I'm still not that keen to be honest.
Now I have to find something in XXL for me to wear - eBay here I come (eventually).
My ipod has packed up. I'm lost without it, but I cannot/will not buy a new one. I've tried everything except formatting it, so I suppose I'll try that then, eh? (but oh the drudgery of putting everything back!)
...and since it is finally payday today (damned five week months) , I splashed out on the True Blood Blu-Ray box set. Why this is important I cannot say.
And to the ever mysterious 'anonymous' , thanks again for your kind comment, and sorry for my belated reply!
“Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known.” - Carl Sagan

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