Tuesday 17 November 2009

“I am a deeply superficial person.”
- Andy Warhol

"People are strange when you're a stranger,
Faces look ugly when you're alone"

Nothing new to say, I simply didn't want to look back on another two week gap in what is effectively my mental health barometer (outlook cloudy) at some distant future date.

Nothing much happened today, it rained and I watched 'Moon' (which turned out to be a wonderful 70s style 'hard' sci-fi movie, loved the Derek Meddings style model work, and surprise - spoiler, Kevin Spacey turned out to be a good guy! oh it's easily a 9/10)

It's after 1am, wine has been consumed , which means I can tell you a little secret. Months ago, thanks to a special offer no less, I signed up for a dating website, but only a day or two later, in a pang of guilt/regret/realisation I'm a deluded nutjob, I deleted my profile. That is not the interesting part, this is - despite having no photo and no demographic details on the site, I still get e-mails from site visitors. I know Ladies like some mystery, but a blank profile? maybe a bit too mysterious eh? (or is it more likely they are scams / spambots?)

“When I got my first television set, I stopped caring so much about having close relationships.” - Andy Warhol

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