Thursday 26 November 2009

“When one burns one's bridges, what a very nice fire it makes.”
- Dylan Thomas

"I'm going down town where there's music,
I'm going where voices fill the air,
Maybe there's someone waiting for me
With a smile and a flower in her hair"

Here I am, at last, and once again courtesy of Messrs Red and wine. Is drink getting to be a problem? Well maybe, it's often the only thing that can make the long lonely evenings bearable. however there is always that moment when the next sip turns you from euphoric to maudlin (I guess that sip has been taken then , eh?).
I shall update you if I slip into full blown alcoholism (be assured that I won't, although I imagine that's what all alcoholics say before they are taken).

Lonely, lonely, lonely.

I am missing Billie terribly. I only see her once, maybe twice a week. I am missing Billie terribly.

Meanwhile at work, the stress has upped a gear or too, the days are long, the days are hard, and the rewards are , well questionable.
Life outside of work is so very very dull and quite frankly depressing all I do Is watch TV and listen to music (great in moderation, but like everything, dull in excess - I imagine)
At least I am fed and warm, well as long as I can afford to run the heating anyway!

Speaking of which. I had a card through my door last week. Gas emergency! They had been digging the street up for a few days, and it looks like they cracked a pipe or two. The upshot was me shivering for 8 hours while two guys ripped off my hall wall and skirting , and dug a six foot deep hole outside my front door ("we'll be back in a week or two to fill it in" - meanwhile I have to run the Mario style gauntlet that is my tiny front path). Eventually I'll get around to replacing the panelling and redecorating too! By the way in a street of maybe 100 terraced houses, mine was the ONLY one affected - ho hum.

I watched the so called "The Prisoner" re-imagining last week. Let me start by saying I love the original show (I even bought it YET AGAIN on Blu-Ray - it looks fantastic!).
I can't imagine why they bothered to call it The Prisoner. The connections to the original were tenuous and shoehorned in. These occasional clever little references only highlighted the shortcomings of the show, and made me yearn for the original. It was unfocused, meandering (okay that is the same thing!). The denouement was at the same time totally predictable and completely baffling - figure that one out. There wasn't even an internal logic. I could go on but I won't. If they had called it something else, made it shorter , it could have been a so so TV movie I suppose.

Be seeing you!

“An alcoholic is someone you don't like who drinks as much as you do.” - Dylan Thomas

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