Tuesday 29 June 2010

“This shirt is dry clean only. Which means...it's dirty.”

Funny how your emotions can change like the flip of a coin. Or is it just me?
I've had a bit of an emotional trip today. (By which I mean a trip of the emotions not a bus ride that made me cry!)
I don't want to go over the same old stuff yet again (er, why not, it's your stock in trade after all?) but there are several triggers which start any negative feelings, and if you've read this blog before you can probably guess most of them. I suppose being aware of this could be the first step to conquering them, but you know me (at least in passing), my lethargy even extends to the mental world. Essentially I have no real beliefs or opinions, lots of self loathing, no motivation, pessimism to spare, and sarcasm in abundance. Strangely though I am quite a nice person, I think. Rambling a go-go?

Well more non sequiturs soon I imagine...

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