Tuesday 1 June 2010

“If you've heard this story before, don't stop me, because I'd like to hear it again.”
- Groucho Marx

My head's in a spin, literally.
Well, obviously not literally! I'm not Linda Blair, but the medication I'm taking is making me very light headed/fuzzy/hot , and not in a fun way!
I almost got back to work today, but experienced something akin to a panic attack / hot flush combo this morning. The side effects are making me feel awful, the 'cure' is almost worse than the disease! Consequently it's back to see my (admittedly very nice) GP tomorrow. No doctors seen in six years, then three times in a month, albeit with the same complaint. I hope he tells me all these side effects will fade, I shall refrain from detailing the others, but they are legion!

In summary - I'm a physical and emotional wreck at the moment, it might be a good time to borrow some money from me!
Nothing, even trivial, to discuss, as nothing seems interesting at the moment. I'm finding (surely a symptom) no pleasure in anything over the past few days. However I'm not letting myself get into a complete mess, so I've been forcing myself out of the house everyday, come rain or shine (actually yesterday, I didn't leave the house at all, but I see that as more of a blip?)

Thanks to my now sadly not needed Canada/USA dialling plan I've been able to speak to Billie almost as much as normal, since I can ring her hotel as much as I like at no cost (actually whilst checking out my phone plan online, I came across Andrea's phone number from back in the day, for a moment or two I was very very tempted to ring her) so that's nice, isn't it?

Back soon, I imagine.

(I have their best of compilation and it is utterly fantastic, in a depressing, weird, psychedelic way)

“There is no sweeter sound than the crumbling of your fellow man” - Groucho Marx

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