Sunday 18 July 2010

"Whenever people agree with me I always feel I must be wrong"
- Oscar Wilde

I thought that last post might have led to a response, oh well...

Warning, this post continues in the downward, dullard trend of, well, the last two years or so...

I'm still not back at work, if you are wondering (I know that I was!).
My GP gave me another MONTH ( a month! blimey!) off, but I really don't intend to take it all, though never say never.
I had hoped any recovery would be an upward curve, sadly that's not the case. In fact it's more like one of those super bouncy balls, but one that can defy the laws of physics (i.e. suddenly regain momentum). One day I can feel relatively normal, and later that very same day, well the polar opposite ( I know everyone experiences this to some degree, I'm just feeling sorry for myself, as usual).
Quite often recently I've found myself just lying on the living room floor (when I say found, I mean I consciously lay down, not a 'how did I get here?' type of situation, if you see), or just sitting in my computer chair, doing absolutely nothing, for hours (er, not even using the computer).

In short , I wouldn't trust myself back at work, especially regarding dispensing medications, and I'd probably just fall asleep anyway!
In fact my tiredness is getting worse. Yesterday I went to my Mothers for what is now a daily visit, and fell asleep for the whole 3 or so hours I was there. I came home and fell asleep again. I went to bed at 10.30pm. The last time I did that I was probably in short trousers (I wasn't, of course, but you get my meaning). It's only midday now, and I already feel shattered. It could simply be boredom, and since I have nothing to physically tire me it probably is (combined with my bittersweet medication).
Sorry, I really have nothing else to write about at the moment. My usual preoccupations, shopping, complaining about work etc , are obviously not very prevalent at the moment. I haven't even watched much TV this week (well, after I finished 'breaking bad' of course).

Back soon...

“Even were sleep is concerned, too much is a bad thing.” - Homer

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