Saturday 25 September 2010

“Beware of little expenses; a small leak will sink a great ship.”
- Benjamin Franklin

Billie stayed over last night, although I didn't pick her up until 11pm (she was asleep by midnight, and gone by 9.30am this morning). At 2am she rang me (I was still up, obviously) to ask for a pair of bed socks (I ask you!). By the time I got up there she was asleep again, but in the dark I found myself standing in something wet! A small pool of water in the middle of her room was revealed - but mysteriously no knocked over glasses of water, no obvious leak from the ceiling, or leaking pipes, no obvious cause at all. 
My only conclusion is that since the water was directly below the light fitting, maybe the water was trickling down, ninja style, from an external leak in the flat roof, it was very wet and windy last night. 
Hopefully my brother, Frank, can clamber up there tomorrow and advise. Yet another leak in the roof? Worse yet something else for this nutcase to fret over...

That was my Friday night.

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