Monday 4 October 2010

“I find my life is a lot easier the lower I keep everyone's expectations.”
- Bill Watterson

What a bouncing ball my mood is. Weekends seem to find me at my worst, and strangest of all, Monday morning seems the most optimistic part of the week - go figure.

My beloved projector is on the fritz, so I'll be staring at a blank 10ft screen for a while until it's repaired (thank goodness it came with a 3 year warranty - I never get extended warranties!). Time to catch up on my reading.

A lot of dreaming was done last night. All that sticks with me is something about Orlando, and somehow Barbara was involved. 
Maybe that's why this particular Monday morning I was feeling almost 'upbeat'?

“Enemy fighters at two o'clock!
Roger. What should I do until then?”

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