Sunday 10 October 2010

“I liked things better when I didn't understand them.”
- Bill Watterson

It's 9am on Sunday morning. 
Last night I had rather a lot to drink, imagine that (I finally opened that bottle of Jim Beam Black Label, I'd been saving). Consequently there was a bit of a rambling, and frankly embarrassing post half written at 3am, in vino veritas eh? 
I soberly read it this morning (pun intended)  and decided it was not fit for general (i.e. mine) consumption, so you've got this rubbish instead.
Although this is a personal, and practically unread blog, I've never really let rip with honest emotions here. It's after all a very public forum, open to anyone with the whim to look. I usually just write enough to jog my memory at a later date, and it's quite amazing just how poor memory actually is. Often I can look back at a year old post and it can uncork forgotten detail and feelings. 
Now I'm rambling in quite a different way - boringly (that's a word, isn't it?).

I forgot to mention that Billie and I went to the cinema earlier this week to see the 25th anniversary re-release of  'Back To The Future'. We've seen it a couple of times together, and both love it, but we couldn't resist it's rather limited return to the big screen. It was the first film I saw with my ex-Wife, way back in 1985, but there's no bitterness when I write that , just a simple fact.  (by the way the film has been rather fabulously restored!)

We usually watch a film together at home, a couple of times a week, and I recommended 'United 93' to her. At the end we were both in tears (one of my very first blog posts, mentions me crying the first time I saw it). I actually 'enjoy' being upset/elated by a film, it reminds me I'm still a functioning adult (and I don't get many reminders these days). 

I told my mum I'd bought a theatre, "Are you having me on?" she said "Well, " I said "I'll give you an audition but I can't make any promises." - Tim Vine


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