Wednesday 8 June 2011

"Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal!"
- Hoban Washburne

I'm mighty riled. You may know that I'm not usually an angry person, but for tonight at least, I am, well a little bit.
Maybe angry isn't quite the word, maybe riled is exactly what I am, frustrated and stressed. 

I can't go into details because of confidentiality, but being in the wrong place at the wrong time, has got me in a bit of trouble at work. I haven't done anything wrong, at least in the cosmic sense, but I've sort of become the symbolic head of a troublesome cohort, at least in the eyes of one particular relative. It all sounds much more exciting than it is, sadly I really can't go into more detail.
I'm a bit frazzled. Due to a freak alignment of the planets (or something) all three 'Sisters' on my ward have been off, leaving me in charge since last Friday, complete with two 13 shifts thrown into the mix. this wouldn't be a problem if I weren't lacking in at two major areas. First the ability to do it, second the desire too. That about covers it.

In more upbeat news, I bought a new phone, and you know how much I love a gadget. I must get about one call a week, and I usually miss it too, but as a gadget it's fab (it's a Dell Streak android phone, well more of a tablet really, but it really is quite unique).

I had a strange few days off. the weather was really quite lovely, but all (ie both) my social contacts were busy , so I literally had nowhere to go , and less than nothing to do if I ever didn't get there. I've been feeling a bit of the old melancholy, and negative edge creeping back into my thoughts a little more every day. I've been doing whatever I can to keep it at bay, but days like today are making those little victories, well even littler. 

I watched the whole of 'The Middleman' , all 12 episodes, last week. I love this show, but was surprised to find out only the pilot was shot in Vancouver (hey just like 'House'). So apologies for my implication last post.
Speaking of  'House', and I was, That season finale may finally have jumped the shark. No spoilers but what the hell? I've been getting a little antsy watching the last few episodes, I think it was wise to make the next season the last...

You know what the chain of command is? It's the chain I go get and beat you with 'til you understand who's in ruttin' command here! - Jayne Cobb

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