Monday 20 June 2011

“It's not what they say about you, it's what they whisper”
- Errol Flynn

I listen to a lot of ipod music,
In fact my new car radio was bought specifically with ipod control in mind. 
(since I'm also completely obsessed with scrobbling!)

What's the point of this ramble, you are probably wondering, and that's a very fair question. Well by way of explanation, there are a few certain songs that whenever (and indeed wherever) they pop up on shuffle, knock me for an emotional six. 
This just happened to me driving home. The song in question was "From a late night train" by The Blue Nile. Now don't get me wrong, I love it, I really do, but a more moving lament to regret there is yet to be written, sometimes it feels good to feel so bad. For all sorts of reasons that I'd be ashamed to go into, The Blue Nile almost always (read always) reminds me of Barbara (sorry to keep going on and on - no! actually I'm not sorry). Lump in throat.

In other equally jovial news, I've just upset my Brother, Frank. At least I think I did , he's almost totally inscrutable. I wish we were better friends, I really really do. In fact that was the motivation behind the insult. I suggested he was only being friendly to me for financial reasons, what a stupid stupid thing to say. Sad face.

(blimey the visuals make it even MORE miserable!)

From a late night train
Reflected in the water
When all the rainy pavement
Lead to you
It's over now
I know it's over
But I can't let go

The cigarettes, the magazines
All stacked up in the rain
There doesn't seem to be a funny side
It's over now
I know it's over
But I can't let go

From a late night train
The little towns go rolling by
And people in the station
Going home
It's over now
I know it's over
But I love you so 

(I haven't even had a drink!) 

“My problem lies with reconciling my gross habits with my net income” - Errol Flynn


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