Wednesday 1 February 2012

“Chins without beards deserve no honor.”

- Spanish Proverb

More dental woes - hot and cold anything equals pain. I've been back to my dentist and had a weeks antibiotics - It's  no better but I suppose I should give it another week or so, before I crawl back. Consequently I've lost a bit of weight, silver lining eh?

(ps from the near future - Billie informed me earlier that I have a chipped front tooth! I've no idea how or when that happened, but another trip is almost a cert now . something new for me to fret over!)

There was a ward 'night out' last week. I really really didn't want to go, but somehow I was hustled into turning up. As predicted I didn't enjoy it, the company was fine, but I wasn't. I'm just not a social creature, any ability I had has long since oozed away. All I could think about whilst struggling with my expensive pizza, was when will the bill come? (about an hour and a half too late it turned out - home by 10.30! scandalous...)

I've been so very tired the past few weeks, the new shift patterns at work means I was out of the house for 14 hours Monday, and 12 Tuesday. Consequently I got in last night and my planned evening of wine, pizza and the last two (ever) episodes of 'Chuck' turned into falling asleep in front of the computer and going to bed at 11pm, which as you all know is very very early for me.

I saw Billie today, for all of 10 minutes, she called for a lift home from school, and I was happy to oblige. She's off to a football match tonight, which is one of her most favourite things, imagine that. I don't even TRY to compete...

“Hot things, sharp things, sweet things, cold things All rot the teeth, and make them look like old things” - Benjamin Franklin


Pinecone Stew said...

SUPER blog!!!

Billy Hopkinson said...

er thanks ersatz Andy...

Billy Hopkinson said...

and my apologies for calling you ersatz if you're the real deal, oops...