Wednesday 29 February 2012

"Wine improves with age. The older I get, the better I like it."

Imagine walking down the street fresh from a bad haircut, and you bump into someone you haven't seen for twenty years, bam! there they are. All those times they wondered what you were up to, or how badly you'd aged, wiped away by that one terrible tonsorial effort !

Now this has never happened to me, but it reveals two things, firstly, I had another terrible haircut yesterday, and secondly, I worry a lot.
Neither should really come as a surprise to anybody who has read even a single entry of this drivel.

The lovely weather yesterday lifted my spirits a little. Sadly I went out still dressed for winter, and therefore sweated away against a backdrop of shorts and sun dresses in the town centre, a place I loath to visit, but that's where the useful stuff is kept alas.

I'm on holiday by the way, I've successfully wasted two days already! If only there was some way I could drink wine every night (how about alcoholism?) and not suffer...

"There is not the hundredth part of the wine consumed in this kingdom that there ought to be. Our foggy climate wants help." - Jane Austen

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