Saturday 26 May 2012

“If you think it's going to rain, it will.”

- Clint Eastwood

Another review?
And so soon?

Yes, but a very special one, to me at least.
My copy of 'Mid Air' by Paul Buchanan, arrived today. (It must be in short supply, as it was released last Monday.)

The two or so people who actually have any insight into my psyche, might know how important Mr Buchanan's music has been to me over the past 30 or so years (should they ever care to give it any thought).
The Blue Nile only released 4 albums over that period, and sadly, it seems, will almost certainly not release any more. I'll not retread old ground (strange - you usually relish such an opportunity) , but their music has powerful memories and associations for me, and is almost always my first choice for self inflicted melancholy.

This is Paul Buchanan's first solo effort and comes only weeks after Garbage's first album for 7 years. Why is that interesting? Well it seems Mr Buchanan wrote material for Shirley Manson's long since shelved solo album, and that sort of led to the genesis of this solo effort.

So far I've only had a quick listen, but I already recognise that these songs will be keeping me company during many a sleepless night, for many years to come. As I've said elsewhere this album is best suited to intoxication, darkness and rain, preferably all three.

“One can find so many pains when the rain is falling.” - John Steinbeck


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