Friday 25 May 2012

“If you want a happy ending, that depends, of course, on where you stop your story.” *

- Orson Welles

Just a quickish comment on the 'House' finale.

Thank goodness that's over. I used to love House, the first five seasons or so were excellent. But the past couple of years, have simply been a dutiful chore.

Shark jumping occurred, for me at least when House interrupted Cuddys dinner by driving through her dining room. Eyes were rolled, including mine, well mostly mine, I live (very) alone after all.

Anyway to the finale. It started disappointingly and then got worse. Houses oh so predictable faked death, switched dental recods, the manifestations of his conscience (who strangely, well for apparitions, had aged and got new hair cuts).
Hugh Laurie seemed completely bored with it all (but I imagine the $700,000 per episode must have helped).
I look forward to whatever he does next though, apparently some kind of Fry/Laurie reteaming is imminent.

We now return you to the scheduled programme...

*sorry for the repitition, but that quote is too perfect...

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