Saturday 14 July 2012

“She generally gave herself very good advice, (though she very seldom followed it)”

- Lewis Carroll

I'm a terrible person really. Selfish, lazy, opinionated, and these are my better qualities.

Time once again to relish in self indulgent self pity...

You can tell from the amount of recent posts how dull this week has been, and how little I've had to fill my time. It's like talking to myself, but without the accompanying mental health stigma (which actually doesn't bother me much at all, sometimes I seem to almost relish my mental health problems, don't you think?).
I'm almost, almost, looking forward to going back to work, at least it occupies my waking thoughts with, well something.
Billie being away is just incredibly bad timing too.  I've mostly spent the week thinking about all the things I could be doing, and then not doing them. I am of course the architect of my own destruction, after all if I even had any friends, I would surely sabotage the relationship, either consciously or unconsciously (but probably a schizophrenic mix of the two, gollum style).

Speaking of Billie, thanks to my ipod and her iphone, I thought we would have daily face time chats, or at least lots of free messaging. Sadly, and of course understandably, this hasn't come to pass. Whilst I don't mind in theory, in practise the way she has simply stopped mid conversation, only to reappear eight or nine hours later as if nothing happened, well it's irked me a little. As I say brevity I don't mind, but leaving a conversation mid topic, without a 'goodbye' or 'I have to go now', well that's just bad manners, something I dearly wish her to have, not for me, I simply want her to be a good person.
Of course, deep down I know it's just normal teenage behaviour, (their brains undergo an actual physical rewiring, they cannot, at least temporarily, relate to adults -  google it, that isn't a joke) but since I don't have anyone around to verbalise these obvious facts to me, or to tell me to stop being so stupid, well it continues to annoy me.
Rant over.
I love her more than anything, as long as she is safe, that's all I actually insist upon.

Well it's Saturday Night - what does it hold in store for our hero? I suspect fermented grapes might be involved...

“Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude.” - Thomas Jefferson


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