Thursday 19 July 2012

“I'm not crazy about reality, but it's still the only place to get a decent meal.”

- Groucho Marx

If indeed there's anyone out there reading this, well you may have noticed subtle changes in my beloved blogs appearance. This is not some long needed overhaul, simply I accidentally messed up the template. In short - I suck. What you see is the best approximation of the old places former appearance that a couple of hours of me hopelessly messing about could produce.

I've been almost crippled today with a stinking headache and more worryingly a wave of melancholy so intense, well it almost physically incapacitated me.
But I have to go to work tomorrow, so I'll have to shake it off, or at least push it to one side for a few days. I'm just so darned lonely!

Speaking of which. My errant Daughter did finally make some fleeting contact from her temporary Floridian abode last night. However, she once again vanished mid-conversation with any hint of leaving. I'm reading to much into it of course. 
Let me just say that until last Thursday she seemed quite lonely and appeared to be having a less than stellar time - consequently she wanted to chat with me all the time. Then she made some teenage friends in her hotel, and coincidentally, and nothing more I'm sure, she is suddenly unavailable for comment. She's having a good time, that's really all I care about.
I'll come in useful one day I imagine!

When I'm this miserable I usually watch a lot of TV. This week I've been working my way through "Mr Show" and Season 3 of The Twilight Zone.
I'm also really enjoying "Continuum" the Vancouver made and set Sci-Fi show currently airing in Canada only. 
Next week two things to look forward to, a dental appointment (that darn root canal has started hurting - again!) and slightly more entertaining (I Imagine) seeing The Dark Knight Rises in IMAX, (not the really big screen alas, just the multiplex version of IMAX sadly, but still...). A lunch time showing (of Course), but it was already (nearly) fully booked. I don't get to the cinema often, but It's been years since I was in a full one... 

(did you know IMAX is a Canadian invention and has been around since the late 60s? well neither did I until about 20 seconds ago - what did we do before the internet? Oh libraries, remember them?) 

“I worked my way up from nothing to a state of extreme poverty.”   - Groucho Marx

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