Tuesday 19 February 2013

“The day after tomorrow is the third day of the rest of your life.”
- George Carlin

Biggest concern at the moment? I've got to attend an inquest next week, all week. That's really about all I can say on that subject. But you know how I worry.

My new antidepressants seem to be working well. There's a couple of regrettable side effects, and I'm constantly tired, but it's infinitely preferable to the way I was feeling a few weeks ago.

I still haven't heard anything about the CBT though. It's getting on for a month now. However I'm still awaiting the counselling referral my previous GP made for me in May 2010, so there's that.

Billie and I have been getting on extremely well since my last post. Of course this could simply be a rebound response to her Mams wedding news, (a fan of which she is not) but I'll take it while it lasts!

Sciatica news - usually, it eases after a week or so and then is gone. This time, it's hung around for weeks and finally localised to one particular spot. New developments include my right leg and foot are painful and tingly.
Time to finally mention it to my GP (in about 12 hours or so actually). At least I can finally get dressed and bend down with ease. Lying in bed however is a constant fidget to get comfortable, unfortunately rarely with any success .

“When cheese gets it's picture taken, what does it say?”


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Anonymous said...

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