Thursday 30 November 2006

Plink Plink Fizz...

Well I don't feel like moaning tonight (could be the half of bottle of red - I don't get out much). I must mention Never Mind the Buzzcocks (BBC2 UK). Don't get me wrong I really like Mark Lamarr - He is excellent on Radio 2, especially Alternative Sixties (couldn't stand him on The Word though) but he just wasn't enjoying this show anymore, it was looking tired, very tired. The new presenter, Simon Anstell - I didn't really know a lot about him (I'm a little old for T4 for goodness sake)but he has really shone in this his first full (six shows I ask you) season. I like the fact he doesn't seem to care who he upsets. Tonight's final show was perhaps the best I've seen - it was like eavesdropping on someone elses party . Lily Allen is lovely isn't she ( I know I'm old enough to be her Father - {Just}) , like a little tiny Shirley Manson (no I'm not a monomaniac) with a bottle of hair dye ( I wish I could find a decent comparison photo (pauses to scour google images - fails) its not just the eyeliner either, maybe it's the goggly eyes!( I like goggly eyes!). Oh... and Amy Winehouse last week ... Priceless

I must say I'm enjoying the Third Season of House. I used to love " A bit of Fry and Laurie" (box set available exclusively from Amazon). Hugh Laurie's House character is a world away from his ineffectual/fop persona of that show (and Jeeves and Wooster I suppose). I'm a teensy bit bored with the character , but the current (Spoiler Ahead UK fans) story involving David Morses' driven cop is refreshing , but we all know that House will somehow escape justice and make up with Wilson. - not enjoying Stephen Fry's Twining ads however!

excuse me I'm off to finish the bottle - Goodnight.

Wednesday 29 November 2006


Parents who smoke in front of their children - my newest complaint. You know the type , I use the term "Chav" too much , "Ned" I like however, anyway you know the type, young women who define themselves by their push chaired progeny, and the amount of gold jewellery they own. As they push their fine fine strollers, couldn't they refrain from smoking, and holding the offending item right over the offspring face? Offenders also include grandmothers, whose own child "really wanted a baby" but now cannot be bothered to look after "it" - well only as long as they can still get blind drunk four times a week. I defend peoples right to smoke ( but I detest the act ) but away from others ... Ah that's better!

On a lighter note The Thrilling Wonder Story blog is filled with all sorts of delights, it's a wonderful site. Goodnight

Tuesday 28 November 2006

Mrs. Peel , we're needed

Why do people buy DVDs and Cd's in stores? I have never been in an HMV for years! Their website is much much cheaper than their bricks and mortar. I'm not singling them out however, but on my rare ventures into the town centre at a weekend (never saw the appeal of human osmosis!) , I see the masses in their sportswear, tattoos, and gold so very gold jewelry buying their Il divo and Westlife Cd's and greatest police/football disaster DVDs. Whilst I don't want to judge their taste (yeah right!) they must realise they can be acquired much much cheaper! Here endeth the lesson. (right now I'm Grumpy and a Miser)

On a similar note imagine the generation of Old-Folk in about 40 years, with their wrinkly dolphins, roses or tribal armband tattoos, too senile to remember why they got them and looking like a pickled Maori in an overcoat - Goodnight

Hot , Hot, Hot ! (in two senses actually)

I really am turning into a grumpy old geezer. I seem to spend most day's wondering whether to buy stuff (admittedly mostly DVDs) or put the central heating on !(Here comes the rant) Electricity / Gas is so damn expensive in the UK ! and since I was divorced I'm not exactly rolling in the green stuff! On a lighter note, I spent last winter with no heating (I couldn't afford a new boiler) and caught pnemonia. I have never been so ill as last Boxing Day (or just plain old Dec 26th elsewhere)The one mobile heater I did have has just been recalled , as it apparently has the potential to catch fire - now that would have been funny

I am really looking forward to this album, not for the music (how many copies of "Stupid Girl" do I really need?) but the accompanying DVD. No more postage stamp sized streaming videos. (if I mention Shirley Manson will it pop up in my google alerts? - better be safe - "Shirley Manson" (leaves room to say it five times into a mirror - damn didn't work!) - at last some decent vidcaps from the "Special" clip

(by the way that is NOT a scene from a porn movie - it's Shirley Manson (admittedly in a Turkish Bath and looking like Lady Sovereign) in the "Run Baby Run" video - Damn your dirty minds!!!)

Monday 27 November 2006

I'm so tired...

It's 11 years since I bought my first modem , for about £200 !!! The excitement at connecting to a text only bulletin board 12 miles away! For years I had no one to e-mail, as I was the only person with an e-mail address that I knew. The joys of the mosaic browser and downloading random files via some clunky ftp software. Anyway I toyed with a web page, but I was just too stupid and lazy to get to grips with it. Finally this lovely WYSIWYG software means I can now waste even more time online! my laziness pays off - big style. By the way I'm still so unpopular I don't even own a mobile (cell) phone! Goodnight

"I wish I'd brought me brolly!"

Seems I'll mostly be writing grumpy old man entries, if you'll excuse the expression. Road crossings - I press the button, the wait light goes on, then almost certainly a middle aged women will come along and press the button again! . Now I don't know what algorithms traffic control follows, but I suspect the system doesn't say ; "blimey TWO people want to cross - sod the traffic - CROSS NOW! ". Ah now I feel better.

Just watched Night Watch on Film4 and now I'll have to buy the DVD (and Track down the sequel, - yes Night Watch 2) I can't believe this film was made for only $4 million - highly recommended (by the way Film4 is great isn't it)

Sunday 26 November 2006

nostalgia #1

If you're of an age like myself (which will remain undiscussed) you may remember the scarcity of available broadcast TV. What am I talking about? In the 70's (UK at least) There were 3 (count 'em) TV channels. They started broadcasting about midday (except of course "programmes for schools" - loved the clock counting down the seconds - I'm rambling) and ended at maybe midnight. The upshot was that the quality of the shows was uniformly higher ( or am I just a nostalgic old fool?) flicking through satellite TV channels can become a negative feedback loop resulting in reading a book ( so not all bad eh?)

I've Just commenced watching the Adam Adamant DVD boxset, and so groovy and fantastic is it that I now want a cape and swordstick of my very own ( swinging 60's "bird" assistant would be nice too!) , unfortunately the local Neds (Chavs) would probably kick my bloody head in. Nethertheless recommended viewing ( and very cheap at CD-WOW!)

Saturday 25 November 2006

Free Stuff?

I love Mp3 blogs. I've discovered so much new and interesting stuff that I wouldn't come across any other way, Cd's are still relatively expensive (well on my budget anyway)and it's nice to try before you buy. What is the legal position on putting up mp3 tracks on your blog? surely if it generates more sales , Record Companies will be happy. Somehow I expect not!

P.S. Everyone please watch QI on BBC2 / BBC4 (UK) it's one of the few shows to stop the mind rot slowly converting the UK into an homogenous chav/ned whole.

P.P.S. Damn - no new Battlestar Galactica last night!

That's better

Well things look a bit better after an hour's tweaking. Now I must watch Battlestar Galactica ( you really should consider it too...)

it begins...

Hello - some blogs are great aren't they? I don't think this will be one of them.
The best blogs are written by driven individuals - people with something to say and the time to say it. I've got the time , but I haven't decided if I have anything to say, ho hum. Let's see what happens.

I like : Shirley Manson, Redheads, and the past - especially my idealised version of the sixties (where Adam Adamant and The Avengers co-exist with Randall and Hopkirk, and everyone drives a Vespa or a Cooper) and the Eighties (when I was happy).

Today I recommend - to buy: The Likely Lads DVD boxset, timeless and hilarious
Too look at : Bedazzled blog, named after a truly fab movie, and contains 100% retro goodness

By the way I've now given up on Torchwood.