Tuesday 28 November 2006

Mrs. Peel , we're needed

Why do people buy DVDs and Cd's in stores? I have never been in an HMV for years! Their website is much much cheaper than their bricks and mortar. I'm not singling them out however, but on my rare ventures into the town centre at a weekend (never saw the appeal of human osmosis!) , I see the masses in their sportswear, tattoos, and gold so very gold jewelry buying their Il divo and Westlife Cd's and greatest police/football disaster DVDs. Whilst I don't want to judge their taste (yeah right!) they must realise they can be acquired much much cheaper! Here endeth the lesson. (right now I'm Grumpy and a Miser)

On a similar note imagine the generation of Old-Folk in about 40 years, with their wrinkly dolphins, roses or tribal armband tattoos, too senile to remember why they got them and looking like a pickled Maori in an overcoat - Goodnight

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