Saturday 24 November 2007

“If you've heard this story before, don't stop me, because I'd like to hear it again.”
- Groucho Marx

(Angel of the North anyone???)

Whilst I was away quite a few things changed at work. Three new members of staff, and enough subtle little changes to make the place feel quite fresh. It isn't the same place it was a year ago for sure. One thing that has really cheered me up is my colleagues genuine interest in my holiday, and even more so in my relationship with Barbara. Some were (honestly) quite worried that I would be the victim of an Internet serial killer (how sweet and or frightening!)

Anyway back to my flight, I watched three movies and a few TV shows (the Simpson's Movie was so disappointing, funny yes, but not quite the event I expected). Unfortunately when we landed at Vancouver the cloud was so low that the mountains to the North of the airport I was so looking forward to seeing were completely invisible - disappointing yes but who cares, I was in bloody Canada! woo hoo!

The baggage Carousel area was strangely deserted, likewise passport control. As I passed through the doors into the Airport proper (where only weeks before a poor Polish man had been tasered by the RCMP and died) I was greeted by a most wonderful sight, the Wonderful Barbara Hultberg, whom until that point was a voice and a mental image, in living breathing "real world-o-vision". Without wanting to sound big-headed, I have never seen anyone so pleased to see me in my whole life, She actually ran to me, and as we hugged and I felt so very very happy ( I was tempted to ruin that last sentence with a sarcastic comment, but sod it, it was simply great!).

“Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared.” - Buddha

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