I still don't feel "Christmassy" in anyway, there's a different atmosphere, a strange mixture of tension and relaxation, but no, I can't seem to recapture that magic. When Christmas meant good telly, buying The Radio AND TV Times, lot's of sweets, Woolworth's telly ads, QC Sherry, and some genuine surprises. Oh I am such a seventies child! (I was looking at the top 40 earlier - something I never usually do, and Wizzard and Slade are in there - I'm 8 again! - if only!).
I can't remember when I changed from Radio 1 to Radio 2, and when I began to lose familiarity (and actually couldn't care less about it) with the top 40!
Ah remember when Christmas Top of the Pops was a TV highlight, and Hai Karate aftershave was "sophisticated".
I'm off for a ride on my Chipper Bike...
“Anyone who believes that men are the equal of women has never seen a man trying to wrap a Christmas present”

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