Sunday 2 December 2007

“A cloud cannot cast a shadow unless the sun is shining beyond it”

Sunday morning - I'm off to work soon. Usually I'd feel doom and gloom about this, but hey I Don't! go figure! (despite my above inflation child support bill from last night!)

My holiday still gives me a strange mix of happiness (at the whole experience) and sadness (that it's over, and I'm so far away from Barbara again). Did I mention that we stayed in the Airport Hotel the first night? The Rooms look out over the terminal and runways in a generally northern direction. On a clear day I would have been able to see the mountains north of Vancouver but that day a misty horizon was all that could be seen. - Off for a shower, back soon.

“Our purses shall be proud, our garments poor: For 'tis the mind that makes the body rich; and as the sun breaks through the darkest clouds, so honor peereth in the meanest habit” - Billy S

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