Tuesday 19 February 2008

“A computer makes it possible to do, in half an hour, tasks which were completely unnecessary to do before”

Hello, been a while eh? I've been at work and engrossed in DIY (well not so much engrossed , as that implies some kind of choice or desire, more immersed, is that better?). I did go a bit crazy last week however, and bought myself a laptop (I had no justification or need of one, I just really wanted one, so I dipped into my savings.) I'm typing on it now but I since I foolishly can't recall the network password, I'll have to add picture and so forth from the desktop.

I was really cheered by the Indiana Jones trailer that was released last week. Apart from the obvious computer trickery, it was very old school Spielberg/Ford action. I loved the self referential age joke, and I think that the initially strange seeming casting of Winstone and Blanchett might pay dividends.

I started watching my Danger Man dvds last week and I'm really enjoying that retro British goodness (though I did find McGoohans Irish accent a little disconcerting at first, after being more familiar with his clipped tones in The Prisoner). I love the way that two guest stars, some rear projection and a bit of stock footage can recreate North Africa or behind the Iron Curtain.

Well today I have to "wait in" for a carpet, and tomorrow for a bed - oh joy!

Be seeing you!

“UNIVAC: a device, which contained 20,000 vacuum tubes, occupied 1,500 square feet and weighed 40 tons; there was also a laptop version weighing 27 tons.” - Dave Barry

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