Wednesday 27 February 2008

“The robb'd that smiles steals something from the thief: He robs himself that spends a bootless grief”

Firstly to Barbara, so sorry I missed you, I can be such a goof sometimes (well almost all the time , I suppose)

I got home from work and went to open the up and over door to my yard to get my car. Strangely it was unlocked and there was debris which I took to be from the strong winds we've been having, I found my bin was right behind the door (wind too I thought) but I suddenly realised that an old washing machine and some other metal bit's and bobs had been pinched - scrap burglars had struck. Luckily I had wanted rid of it, and even more luckily they hadn't scraped my car as they dragged it out! (I suppose they had scrambled over the wall jumped down onto the bin and then pulled the door closed ! (by the way my house was untouched than heavens!)

"Ashes to Ashes" the sequel (of sorts) to "Life on Mars" is a bit of a mixed bag I'm afraid. I wanted to love it, but you can only be ground breaking once it seems, and at times it seems like a retread of the original (right down to the TV messages to the main protagonist). It does evoke the 80's quite well, but budget restraints seem to imply that the 80s consisted mainly of abandoned riverside property. The music is quite wonderful though, it makes me want to be 16 again! I loved the end of 1981, (though 1982 was a much better year), and one of my favourite memories is dancing to "don't you want me" in a club in December, whilst wearing a rather wonderful Italian suit, and some inherited winklepicker shoes.

Finally - my days off have finally arrived, It seems like forever since the last one! Even more importantly it's payday on Thursday , these five week months are a killer! It may sound a little strange, but I'm going to be looking for some soft furnishings for my newly decorated bedroom. Only a little over six weeks util Barbaras holiday, and I've still so much to do!

“Love me when I least deserve it, because that's when I really need it.” - Swedish Proverb

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