Tuesday 10 February 2009

“Eyes that do not cry, do not see”
- Swedish Proverb

"The sword of time will pierce our skins,
It doesn't hurt when it begins,
But as it works its way on in,
The pain grows stronger...watch it grin"

This blog entry is akin to placing a note into a bottle and throwing it, hopefully, into the big big sea. Billie was unwell again yesterday, and had to stay over, the only downside to this being (apart from her being ill of course!) that I couldn't leave the house all day. I have to get out of this place everyday or it begins to feel more like a prison than a dwelling. In reality I suppose it's more like a half-way house, but with really terrible staff!

I've consequently watched a lot of TV today (Billie slept in very late, and then just stared at the laptop). I've nearly finished the first season of 'Mad Men' (as the second starts this very night, tucked away on BBC 4 of all places!) and actually got around to watching the whole first series of 'Sapphire and Steel' (no don't laugh). Although a little (by which I mean very) dated around the edges, it still has a genuine creepiness to it (or maybe I'm remembering how my teenage self viewed it). Any how I expect to raid the vaults again tomorrow, as Billie remains unwell (but can just about summon the energy for chocolate and live messenger - go figure!)

The wine remains undrunk, as sadly must I ...

"Silence is golden but you can't hear it that well." - Loesje

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