Tuesday 3 February 2009

"Wine is bottled poetry."
- Robert Louis Stevenson

"Its a shame, its a shame, its a perfect shame."

Well hello!
For once I'm not totally despondent or maudlin , although I am well on the way to finishing a bottle of wine.
A very busy set of work days over, and three lovely (but I suspect ultimately empty and miserable) days off await. I'm feeling strangely honest so I have to admit that I can't stop thinking about Barbara , but I must admit, to quote The Beatles, that 'This bird has flown'. I have to move on.
Alas, every time I hear even a mention of Canada, but especially Vancouver, my heart sinks. Consequently this makes watching my favourite TV shows something of a bitter sweet experience (all the best shows are made in 'Hollywood North', even House had its pilot shot there.).

But that's enough of that , you've seen into my soul tonight, albeit for a split second, and I don't want to slightly dazzle you with it's sub wattage semi brilliance. I'm off for a late bath and a troubled nights sleep, probably with some strange dreams involving Canada (they usually do) So it's your semi drunken pal checking out - be seeing you !

(This weeks House was great, Lost is superbly back on form. and as entertaining and baffling as ever , and I am loving the early 60's vibe of 'Mad Men')

“The wine urges me on, the bewitching wine, which sets even a wise man to singing and to laughing gently, and rouses him up to dance and brings forth words which were better unspoken” - Homer

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