Friday 31 July 2009

“The universe seems neither benign nor hostile, merely indifferent.”
- Carl Sagan

I feel strangely benign tonight. I'm off to bed in a moment, 13 hour shift tomorrow. Back to that benign feeling, I don't exactly feel happy, no I would certainly not go that far. However the depression that's troubled me of late, seems to have taken a Summer vacation, if you excuse the expression.

I watched 'Viva Las Vegas' last night, on blu-ray to boot (ebay) and combined with a whole bottle of wine it was a most enjoyable experience , easily my favourite Elvis movie (to be honest it doesn't have a lot of competition), but it's just as much Ann Margrets film as his, another wonderful Swedish export!

“We are like butterflies who flutter for a day and think its forever.” - Carl Sagan

(Shirley Manson is a character in guitar hero 5!)

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